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Is Next Android termed as 4.5 instead of 5.0 ?

In the last Google I/O held in the month of this June, Google announced the next Android - Android 'L' . Though they did not disclose what 'L' will be called ( but 'Lollipop' is fans favorite at the moment) , but also they kept the version number under the clothes. 

Many claim that it will sport version number as Android 5.0 . However, it is possible that next Android could sport 5.0 as version because of the features the next Android will come with. Google is changing the look anf features of Android with the next version - Android 'L'.

But today Google released update for Chrome Beta 37. The latest Chrome version release reveals a Android 4.4.99; Build/LPV79, which indicates that the next build of Android will be Android 4.5, rather than 5.0.

Chrome Beta version 37

Google has already released updated versions for Play Store, Gmail, Maps and some other apps. All thses updates are designed considering the Material Design which is the center piece of the next Android version.


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